Sunday, February 1, 2009

25 Random things about me. (I did this for facebook, so I thought I would post it here too).

1. I think this note idea is a good way to know information about people that you otherwise wouldn't.
2. I love to dance. I am not very good, I would like to get back into it, but I love dancing whenever music comes on and my husband just laughs at me.
3. I like to sing. I don't know why but I randomly sing all of the time. Most of my friends and family give me weird looks but that's me!
4. In the past 2 years I have become a completely new person. I have learned to be responsible for my thoughts, actions, and feelings. Life is amazing once you take responsibility and stop blaming others.
5. I have been skydiving. It is the most amazing feeling. It is the closest I have ever been to being a bird. lol (which is what I would be if I were an animal. Preferably an eagle, rather than a pigeon)
6. I love country music, pop,church music, some rock and some other genres that I'm not sure of. I like everything but hard hard rock.
7. I don't love to read, but i do love learning so I force myself to read a lot. Right now I am reading "Bonds that make us free" by C. Terry Warner. I suggest every one reads this, it is an amazing book. I have found that the more I read, the more I love my life.
8. I play halo on x-box. I don't know why but I love halo. I think it might be that I am good at it and I don't want to learn another game, and can't justify to myself to play any other computer or nintendo games, so I stick with it.
9. My husband and I just got sealed in the Mt. Timp temple. It was the most amazing experience ever. It was the first time I truly cried because I was soooo happy. I reccomend this experience to everyone.
10. I don't like when people don't say what they mean. If you want something, say it. If you don't want something, say it! I enjoy honesty.
11. I have been to Costa Rica. Stuart served his mission there and then last year we went back for 10 days. We stayed in a tiny house with a family from his mission. The family was so sweet. She made all of our food, which was amazing, and welcomed us into their home. We went hiking in the jungle and saw some beautiful waterfalls. And everyday Stuart wanted to get "trence de queso", which is a yummy cheese bread. Good times.
12. I am not in love with any actresses or actors. I never posted pictures on my wall or idolized famous people, although it would still be cool to meet some of them.
13. When I was little my brothers would call me Crusty Poop.
14. I like to play racquetball with Stu. He gets pretty competitive though!
15. I enjoy being outdoors and going camping once in awhile. I love making memories. I have a whole quote bored complete with sentences that no one else but my husband and I would know what they mean.
16. I like to play pinochle with Stu and his parents.
17. I broke a rib on my 3rd time snowboarding. Which was pretty painful.
18. I love kids. I can't wait to be a mom and I know I will love it, even though I know there will be hard times.
19. I want to bear my babies ALL NATURAL.
20. I have a pet snake. His name is "Stretch Viper Young". I never thought I would own a snake but my husband wouldn't let me get a puppy. (I even taught my snake to roll over)
21. I am blessed to have an amazing family as well as amazing in-laws.
22. I love the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. Although sometimes life seems monotonous, every single one of us has a great purpose for this life. I will not seperate church from state. I think the gospel needs to be part of every arena of life, because frankly, the whole reason why we are on this earth is because of our father in heaven and we need to show him that respect.
23. Over the past 2 years I have grown a love for freedom, the Constitution of the United States, our founding fathers, righteous men and women, knowledge, and a hope that the people of america will wake up and start taking responsibility for their actions.
24. My husband and I have created a website called Most LDS people know that the Constitution is sacred and will one day hang by a thread. Now they have somewhere to go to know what to do to prevent this.
25. I have the most amazing husband in the world. He is intelligent, sweet, understanding, amazing, and good looking. :) He gives me an amazing life. I will be able to be a stay at home mom and he will be able to be home also while we raise our kids. His drive to keep moving forward amazes me. He has such passion for life and always is seeking more knowledge. He is the perfect guy for me. He is everything I never knew I wanted in a man.


Amy said...

Christie, I LOVE this. You have grown into such a little lady, I love it. You are so so sweet and are such an example to me. I am so excited and proud of you for getting sealed. So I did this on facebook too, I think I'll add it. So I need to find you facebook.

Christie and Stuart said...

Hello! Thanks! I found you on facebook and added you as a friend. We definitely should get together soon!

Kristy said...

Hey!!! I blog stalked from Janessa. Anyway, how you doin? Also, I saw that you guys were sealed on Jan. 20th. That's my anniversary, and it is a very good day if I must say so!

Darren and Mandi said...

Hi Love! This is such a fun idea. Every gets a little sneak peak into who you really are. I especially love the awesome in-law part though. They are pretty darn fantastic! Love you


About Me

My photo
Cedar Hills, Ut, United States
I have been married for 6 1/2 years and am a mother of 3 children, 3 and under and I love them more than anything. I also enjoy sports and being crafty.